The Surprising Way Walking Transformed My Life

Walking literally transformed my life. When I was in the hospital for a month before my girls were born, it was my lifesaver. But it was about something much deeper than maintaining a healthy weight…something MUCH more important...

This time of my life was incredibly stressful. I spent hours every day laying in one position taking on tests, tests, and more tests. I didn’t know if my twin girls were going to live (50% chance every day) and I had to live in an ugly hospital room that was busier than Fifth Avenue on Black Friday. (Okay…slight exaggeration…)

I started going for daily walks inside and outside around the hospital just for the sake of something to do and to get out of my room for a bit. Little did I know that after 10-15 minutes of walking, it felt like bricks had been lifted off of my shoulders.

I could think more clearly. My perspective changed. I had more energy. I felt like a different person.

Trust me on this one, I was not skipping around gleefully humming show tunes. Many times, I was either crying or trying to hold back tears during these walks. But I didn’t care! I ALWAYS felt better afterwards so I kept going.

Yes, these walks helped prevent high blood pressure, relieve back pain, and keep my weight at a healthy level.

But if you asked me if I cared about those things at the time…I kind of didn’t.

All I cared about was one thing: my babies’ survival. And I believe that walking helped make this happen!

So, what does this have to do with YOU?

If you want to change how your body looks and feels, the first step is ALWAYS changing your mindset. By incorporating a daily walk into your schedule, I have no doubt in my mind that your mindset will change for the better. When you’re able to get into this I-feel-good-and-I-can-do-this mindset, you’ll be ready to take on any game plan you choose to change how you want to look and feel.

Curious about my game plan? I’m here for you! Leave a comment below or send me a message HERE if you’re looking for personalized advice.

And find me over on Instagram @kelly.dunklow for daily tips and tricks on how to get more comfortable wherever you are.

Now walk it out (now walk it out)… Now walk it out (now walk it out)… (Remember this song? 😂)


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